Yea electric vehicles are so unreliable that dealerships are all salivating over having captive customers in their service plans.
Yea electric vehicles are so unreliable that dealerships are all salivating over having captive customers in their service plans.
My favourite solution to tables with that sort of slightly meta vibe is to introduce a plot reason for it.
Telepathic connection between the players for reasons. My favourite being myconid spores which sorts comes up in BG3.
Their loan sharks beg to differ, rouge families accounts are always in the red.
Warhammer 40k has its peak Utopian period, after which machines like Data nearly destroy humanity and…
Well it’s a lot to write out.
In short we could still be on the 40k timeline.
The justifications for closed source scanners are slim, even knowing how a scanner works it would be difficult for CSAM to be altered to completely avoid detection and those gaps could quickly be closed.
We need an open source scanner that can be integrated safely and with trust into FOSS.
This will only happen with government permission as anyone developing this without permission obviously opens themselves up to legal action.
The FOSS community needs to get Governments on side with this but I don’t know where lobbying would be best started. Potentially the EU would be most receptive to this approach?
It is where scum spam a site with illegal images, which can result in the site being taken down and in some instances the site owners being prosecuted.
Depending on where you live you may have a legal obligation to report the incidents and to prove actions taken to remove the content.
I believe Corbin is correct based on my own assessment of this feature however he isn’t providing any evidence either.
Adevrtisers arent going to give up their existing tracking methods unless the alternative is cheaper and more effective or driven by regulation.
With only 3% market share and little ability to sway regulators PPA could be the best solution in the world and still won’t see significant adoption.
So no you don’t need to be concerned about it… because it will be forgotten in a few years.