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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • It’s nowhere near as powerful as it was in 3rd edition, but True Strike and Harm was a favorite tactic of my wizard and my girlfriend’s cleric. Pretty much guaranteed to hit with a +20 to a touch attack. If the touch attack succeeded, target now has 1d4 HP. At that point our bard would hit them with a magic missile or acid arrow.

  • My level 17 wizard took out multiple mindflayers, solo. I needed the rest of the team up until then, just to be sure I wasn’t being overconfident, but I happened to have a scroll of Wish that I copied into my spellbook, and I took Unfailing Missiles, and Mind-rape, (for counter spelling purposes only. I don’t play evil characters,) as my level 17 spells.

    Unfailing Missiles was designed by me.

    Level 9 Wizard Spell

    Components: V, S

    Casting: duration: instant

    Range: Long 400’ + 40’ per caster level. (1080’ @ Lvl 17)

    Unfailing Missiles gives the caster 3 “lances” of energy that may be directed at any three targets that are no more than 20° apart. The caster can also direct multiple lances at any single enemy. Each lance does 17 d6+1 points of sonic and force damage split 50/50. There is no saving throw. If you can see it, it gets hit.

    I was a bit irritated that Magic Missile was the only spell that was guaranteed to hit. The DM capped the spell at 17 d6+1 with no level scaling because he was already having difficulty designing encounters that the group was having any difficulties with. He did allow the range to scale normally, so with magical glasses I could eventually hit shit at well over a quarter of a mile.

  • Or a good way to cause the normally not murder hoboes to genocide their entire race for merely existing. Every wizard I play takes a ton of languages because I end up with more SP per level than rogues, so by the time the DM is throwing Mindflayers at us, I can speak to basically any intelligent creature, in their own language. I’m a walking peace treaty waiting for a place to happen, that just so happens to have DBF spells just in case. Mindflayers and Aboleths are Kill On Sight. I’m not daring to piss off the gith in any way, those guys are cool.

  • Seriously, why are the local humans such dicks? Had a human wizard that was known as Katherine the Great by the wizard-hating dwarves, because she spoke draconic and brokered a peace between them and the kobolds. The orcs called her Katherine the Timeless, because she got ahold of a potion of heal, and a philosopher’s stone before her 17th birthday, and made herself a potion of eternal youth/ immortality. The local humans called her Katherine Lady of Death…