The latest D&D Studio update on the 2024 core rule books should have excited me, but it just made me apprehensive. Fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons started as a game with a strong foundation, strong enough that when I imagined the changes that would best improve the game, I just wished for replaceme

    10 months ago

    I’m on the fence for most of this. As both DM and player, I find 5e incredibly bland and boring. But that’s personal taste really. Adding an additional feat for first level characters would help with the blandness and start to have differences between characters at first level.

    But it’s hard to argue with the success 5e has had with attracting new players. I think there’s a good argument to be made that part of this success is due to the simplifications made in the game as a whole and particularly character creation.

    I do really like D&D doing the work of bringing new players to the hobby, so I hope it keeps that as a priority.