1.35K Posts, 11 Following, 45.7K Followers · We're consolidating our social media presence due to limited resources and no longer posting on Mastodon. Follow us on Reddit for the latest updates: reddit.com/r/ProtonMail
Official Proton account, creator of Proton Mail, Proton Drive, Proton Pass, Proton VPN, Proton Wallet.
Buying your own domain and pointing its DNS at your email provider. The email provider is still your host, but you get to use maroon@yourdomain.tld everywhere and you can seamlessly switch providers. I’ve done it a few times, now.
Buying your own domain and pointing its DNS at your email provider. The email provider is still your host, but you get to use maroon@yourdomain.tld everywhere and you can seamlessly switch providers. I’ve done it a few times, now.