• SR lore is so good and the system has so much potential.

    We’ve switched from D&D to SR4 and BOY does that rulebook have a lot of holes. So many contradictions and omissions, so often things are very unclear. Top that with the insane decision to have the group play basically three separate space-time lines with the real world, the spirit world and the matrix. Let’s all wait around the table for an hour while our decker does matrix that takes a second of in-game time and then our shaman projects into the astral plane and that’s not as fast as the matrix but still a lot faster and takes another hour but it’s only a minute in-game.

    We stopped after like 6 months. And it’s a shame because the world is so fun.

    • phase
      4 months ago

      SR6 is way better now. There’s also another system (Anarchy) is you want.

      And.since a year or two, there are metaplans.