They support now an occupational state, and targeting civilians 🤬
It’s crazy that the dystopian future where algorithms powered by automated surveillance dispatch drones with guns to kill you is real now, at least in one part of the world, and these companies are an integral part of it. Wonder how long before they roll that shit out everywhere.
Unfortunately anytime soon
There was a news report a few months back about google employees protesting googles AI projects and their connections to war.
There was employees sitting in their lunchrooms with signs saying “ask me about project …” but I can’t remember the name to fill in that blank.
This ring a bell to anyone else? I’m not getting results searching around :/
Project Nimbus
Thank you! I kept trying a bunch of names and just couldn’t pull that one from my memory.
Israel is pioneering the tech similar to China’s
us mega crops want access to it so that’s why they collaborate with Israel… Plus all of them are unfiltered by Israeli spooks to ensure they make the right decisions for the genocide state.
People die so some lunatics can make more money. Capitalism in it’s prime!
BigTech never stops to annoy me. Thanks for sharing.
The originsl article was published by the Washington Post (owned by Jeff Bezos):
Yeah i actually saw it there first but i couldn’t take a screenshot cuz they keep asking me to subscribe